Sex Addiction 101:  Understanding Sex and Porn Addiction

This is a 3 hour educational seminar for addicts, their partners, or anyone looking for more information about sex and pornography addiction.  This seminar will:

  • Provide information about what sex and pornography addiction is.
  • Provide information about behaviors commonly connected with sex and pornography addiction.
  • Educate about the partners experience of sex and pornography addiction.
  • Educate about the underlying issues that drive sex and pornography addiction.
  • Explain what is needed for successful individual and couples recovery from sex and pornography addiction.

This class would be appropriate for you if:

  • You would like more information about sex and porn addiction.
  • You are a professional who is seeking more information about sex and porn addiction.
  • You think you have a sex or porn addiction.
  • Your sexual behavior or use of porn feels out of control.
  • Others are concerned about your sexual behavior or use of porn.
  • You think your partner may have a sex or porn addiction.
  • You have been hurt by your partner’s sexual behavior or use of porn.



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